Wednesday 6 February 2008

I'm delighted with this!

Confession time - this was by first Bergere project and I must report that I am very pleased with it. Not only has it been relatively quick to work (not sure when I started, but it was definitely after Christmas) but I love the yarn mix -50/50 wool and cotton. Sometimes all wool is just too hot for me, in the shops or when the central heating is on or like yesterday when it was 17.5 degrees in the afternoon here. The design is simple, but very effective and also very flattering for those of us with 'bums and tums'. I know lots of customers are working on this right now and I hope they are as pleased with it as I am.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This sweater is to die for... absolutely beautiful, stunning, what more can I say. Is it too obvious that I like it..

(USA, and knitting for 2 months, maybe this will be my inspiration to keep knitting-so on a difficulty level scale how would catagorize this- easy, medium, hard, very hard..)

Dawn Holland said...

Hi Joyce,
I am just knitting this jumper too, but I am struggling with the instructions as the instructions for the front and back (from the armholes up) don't seem to match.

Did this happen to you too? If so how did you get around it?

I love your blog - I found it via google search for this pattern.

Joyce @ Alba Yarns said...

Felicia, please forgive me I have neglected the blog for a while. Bergere rate this as an intermediate knit. I didn't find it too bad, but Bergere do write their patterns a bit differently (must be that translation thing..). Once I got the hand of that, i was off! I'm sure with a few more months practice yo will be up for the challenge. Keep knitting!

Joyce @ Alba Yarns said...

Hi Dawn, so sorry I've not been blogging for a while - things got in the way. I hope you've solved the problem now? I didn't find that happened to me, although I did find the way the pattern was written took a bit of getting used to. I have done another Bergere pattern since (will post pic today) and am getting into the swing of them now.