Sunday 25 February 2007

Gary's birthday socks

Since Gary spotted this ball of sock wool and asked if I could knit him a pair of socks for his birthday, they have been to Birmingham and back. I had a slight panic when I wondered if there would be enough for the second one, but a top tip from Tracey Ullman and Mel Clark's book 'Knit 2 together' is to weigh your first sock and then the wool left over. Postal scales are useful - and yes, there will be enough!
There are some really different ideas in Tracey's book and I have plans to knit a linen door curtain for the patio doors. They recommend Euroflax linen and apparently they have no UK distributor, so last night I bought 500g of linen cotton on Ebay that is coming from Russia. It is 4ply, I think so I plan to use it double.
I am less keen on the Witches Britches in the book - I guess these are a bit tongue in cheek!

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